Posted, Saturday, 13 August 2022
Hey LSI,
The LSI F1 Season 9 and F1.5 Season 7 Championships are here and welcome to the first official season in the F1 22 game! We can’t wait to get started with the new season, as we have some awesome ideas for future content in LSI. This season we will be focusing on creating more content and progressing with all our media accounts! Join us on our journey and register to race now!
Registration Form:
Certain drivers that completed throughout LSI in the last official season and Summer Season will be invited to compete in the LSI F1 Championship, however, the rest will be decided through a qualification event. The qualification event will be hosted very soon, where drivers will be able to come along and set lap times in a series of 30-minute practice sessions at a track that will be released at a later date. The F1.5 Championships will also have to face the qualifying events, however, the selection process may be harsher.
Below you can find the provisional calendar for the next season, and as you may notice, some tracks have already been added, whereas some haven’t. We will be following the current F1 Season’s calendar, meaning we will be racing at the same tracks they race in certain weeks, which is why some tracks are already here! The rest of the calendar will be announced on the 14th August, so get your votes in now before it’s too late (we will be adding 3x sprint races, and the tracks that they will be held at will be announced along with the full calendar)!
View the calendar
Unfortunately, we will not be running F1.5 EU Tier 2, and from now on will only stick to LSI F1, F1.5 EU and F1.5 NA/SA. The attendance last season was not high enough for it to be continued, and we think it is more important for us to focus on quality and not quantity. This does not mean F1.5 EU Tier 2 will not return, so time will tell!
If you are wondering what happened with the “LSI Future Season Changes” development, here is your answer! After receiving all the results from the form sent out to everyone, the following decisions have been made:
- The weather conditions used will continue to be the custom weather system that we use
- The qualifying sessions used will continue to be short qualifying sessions (18 minutes)
- The race calendar used will continue to consist of 16 races with no breaks
- There will be 3x sprint races included in the official season, which will be spread out and carefully selected to try and improve the excitement of certain races.
- The LSI Time Trial Challenge no longer requires drivers to record their screens, and they may simply screenshot the end screen on their time trial session, and submit the lap
Other changes:
- The LSI F1 lobby settings have changed;
Car Damage: Standard (instead of reduced)
Allowed Assists: Racing Line in corners and ERS assist (ERS assist enabled in case of an ERS bug occurs). All other assists have now been removed
Race Start Time - Official 1x Speed (instead of 2x speed)
AI Difficulty – 80 - The LSI F1.5 EU and NA lobby settings have changed;
Car Damage: Standard (instead of reduced)
Race Start Time - Official 1x Speed (instead of 2x speed)
AI Difficulty - 80 - Many rule changes will be made soon and will be announced in a separate post
Thank you very much for all the support, and let’s keep pushing! This is the season where we make big progress!
If you have any questions, let us know, but other than that, good luck and let’s race!